How to Install and execute the Firefox 60 in NXP i.MX7D board using Android Mashmarrow, 6.0.1.
Dear Mozilla, I want to know how to execute the Firefox in our board.
My test environments are like as below. In our board, the the Firefox was not operated normally. I don't know what's the problem. Could you tell me wha't the problem and how to execute the Firefix in our board?
> MPU : NXP i.MX7D / Cortex-A7
- i.MX7D doesn't have the GPU / i.MX7D doesn't support the OpenGL. - https://www.nxp.com/products/processors-and-microcontrollers/applications-processors/i.mx-applications-processors/i.mx-7-processors/i.mx-7dual-processors-heterogeneous-processing-with-dual-arm-cortex-a7-cores-and-cortex-m4-core:i.MX7D
> Test Board
- Evaluation Board for i.MX7D - https://www.nxp.com/support/developer-resources/hardware-development-tools/sabre-development-system/sabre-board-for-smart-devices-based-on-the-i.mx-7dual-applications-processors:MCIMX7SABRE
> OS Version
- Android version : Mashmarrow, 6.0.1 - Kernel version : Linux 4.1.15
> Firefox
- version : 60.0.1 . https://firefox.en.uptodown.com/android - Install . Copy the Firefox on the board, as apk . Enable "Unknown Sources" in Settings/Security/ . Install Firefox.apk - Execute Firefox . Execution was OK. . But Firefox occurred the below message. "Firefox had a problem and crashed. Your tabs should be listed on the Firefox Start page when you restart." - Android logcat . For your more understanding, I'll attached the Android Log. . (attached) i.MX7D_Android.M6.0.1_Web.Browser_2018.05.29-1520_Firefox_Install.Execute.log
Best Regards, Eric.
Toutes les réponses (1)
I think it's the problem for the firefox excution fail that i.MX7D doesn't have the GPU and the i.MX7D doesn't support the OpenGL. So I think the firefox can execute normally if the firefox can be executed without OpenGL. Could you tell me how to execute the firefox without OpenGL?