Tunderbird: Having a reply-to address that cannot send emails causes my sending to fail.
If I use my domain name email address as a reply-to in a message that is using my AT&T email (@sbcglobal.net) as the actual sending account, it causes the send to fail with a "request failed, mailbox unavailable". My domain name email cannot send, only receive. I have been using that setup with Thunderbird for years without issue and now all my computers have the same issue. Why does the reply-to address now need to be verified for ability to send??
Toutes les réponses (4)
You'd need to ask AT&T about that change. The error message is from their server.
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The error is form the domain name mail server, not AT&T. The real problem is why is Thunderbird now trying to check that the REPLY-TO email address is able to SEND emails or not? I never had this trouble in the past and I have been using Tbird for many years with the exact same set of email addresses. I have found the problem repeatable across multiple computers as well. I have tried REPLY-TO addresses that CAN send and are valid, but not setup in the accounts of Tbird and I get the same message. I tried just making up a bogus address, and I get the same message. PS: the domain name address I have always used before IS setup in the accounts list and receives mail just fine.
Yahoo and by extension those that use their infrastructure. (ATT, AOL, Verizon and BT are some.) now require that the reply to address be blank, or at least that is my understanding. I am not a customer other than an ancient yahoo account that I never send anything on.
The issue is one for you to discuss with your mail provider and has nothing to do with the capabilities or any issues with Thunderbird. It is a policy change with the provider of the account.
This user has posted a method to allow non-sending addresses to be added as reply-to addresses.