Building Firefox for Solaris 11.4, missing rust
I'm following these directions: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Developer_guide/Build_Instructions/Solaris_Prerequisites to (attempt to) build Firefox for Solaris 11.4 SPARC on a Sun T4-1. I got as far as the first set of downloads:
$ pfexec pkg install SUNWhea SUNWmercurial SUNWaudh SUNWxwinc SUNWxorg-headers SUNWgm4 SUNWgnome-common-devel SUNWcvs SUNWgmake sunstudio rust
and it complains:
pkg install: The following pattern(s) did not match any allowable packages. Try using a different matching pattern, or refreshing publisher information:
rust sunstudio
I guess I can do without sunstudio since I have gcc 7.3 but where do I find rust (besides under my car)? I know *someone* has it because Oracle is advertising Firefox 68 in their latest update to Solaris 11.4.
Toutes les réponses (2)
Thanks but I've already searched the web high and low. It turns out sunstudio can be downloaded from Oracle directly, not through the pkg install command. But rust is only available for pkg install if you have an expensive Oracle support agreement. You *can* however find rust in the solaris userland git page link text . Unfortunately, cargo and firefox which both used to be there are now gone. So that's a dead end too.
I'd recommend that the build instructions above be modified to reflect this and possibly save others a lot of bother.
So right now I'm trying to figure out either how to cross compile Firefox for Solaris in Ubuntu (where I do have rust and cargo) or how to compile cargo natively in Solaris. I'm encountering nothing but dead ends.