FF 74.0: issue with menu keyboard shortcut Alt+D
With the German language pack "Deutsch (DE)", the keyboard shortcut for the file menu is Alt+D (Datei=File). Since FF 74.0 (64-Bit), it doesn't work anymore. Instead, the shortcut sets the focus to the location bar. Any other keyboard shortcut works.
Is it a bug? Is there a work around?
Toutes les réponses (5)
I'm not sure.
Try refreshing FF.
Because of this strange issue, I recently completely reinstalled Xubuntu and Firefox. Sorry, if I had to reinstall/refresh FF all the time, I'd rather stop using my favourite browser.
BTW: It also happens on my Win8.1 PC an FF 74.0.
This issue has been reported before for the German Firefox version. In the German version Alt+D is reserved for the File menu (Datei) and thus isn't available for focusing the location bar.
- /questions/1230509 Alt + D showing menu instead of fucusing search bar
- Bug 1485052 - Alt + D opens the file menu for german users instead of focusing the search bar
(please do not comment in bug reports
You can possibly use Firefox in a locale other than DE if you want to use Alt+D for the location bar.
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I realize this doesn't change the shortcut back, but does it work to separate those: tap Alt to activate the menu bar, then tap D ?
Sorry I appear to have misread your question.
I installed the DE language pack and can confirm the changed behavior.
It still shows "s" as access key for the urlbar access key in browser.dtd.
- view-source:chrome://browser/locale/browser.dtd
- https://dxr.mozilla.org/l10n-mozilla-release/source/de/browser/chrome/browser/browser.dtd
Maybe this is related to switching to fluent and some access keys can no longer be overridden by a localization.
To make the Alt key work to show the menu bar, you need to have this pref set to true on the about:config page.
- ui.key.menuAccessKeyFocuses = true