Closing tabs individually creates a too large info box
There is a large info box popping up in the bottom of the screen when I close tabs. I usually press 'x' and close tabs starting with the last one but this info box that says 'tab closed' and has an undo button on it, is covering a big portion of the last tab including it's 'x' button. It is even larger in landscape mode. This is very annoying and if I want to close another tab I'd have to wait for it to disappear or try to press around it. It's a useful feature but could the experience be made more better?
Toutes les réponses (7)
Thank you for your question.
Our developers are aware if this issue and you can follow progress on this at:
That does not look like the issue I am pointing out here.
Let's say I just closed a tab and want to continue with either closing (pressing x) or opening the last tab, in the bottom of the list, by pressing on it. This tab is for a few seconds covered by the dialog box (see my screenshot) making my browsing experience sluggish.
For a person who comes from middle-click opening and closing tabs, having to wait for this box to disappear drives me nuts.
My apologies, I included the wrong link. Thus should be the correct one:
Hey, thanks! It feels good to see that it's being worked on. Looking forward to the update
No problem, glad we could help.
I can't believe this issue is still not fixed. And the link you shared is about some nightly version.
Actually I never needed to reopen a tab immediately after closing it. What a stupid feature altogether. And it reopens it on the top of the list. Sorting is not possible..
Modifié le
The Nightly version is an earlier version made available for further development and testing.
The link that I provided is the best place for further feedback and comments on this matter.