the Firefox browser cannot access google.com
MacOS Big Sur, when using the "Clash for window" software to open the system proxy, the Firefox browser cannot access google.com, but other websites can be accessed
Toutes les réponses (1)
Things to try include: 1. Clearing your DNS server settings ( s e r v e r g u y . c o m / k b / c h a n g e - d n s - s e r v e r - s e t t i n g s - m a c - o s / ). 2. Clearing your /etc/hosts file. You can prepend lines with '#' to comment them out 3. Checking your system firewall by going to Apple menu > System Preferences, click Security & Privacy, then click Firewall. Make sure that outgoing connections are not being blocked. 4. Changing Firefox's proxy settings by visiting 'about:preferences#general', opening Network Settings, and clicking 'No proxy'. 5. Reinstalling aforementioned antivirus software.