How to keep firefox from overwriting a certain window?
I have a small window where I keep track of ball game score. Unfortunately, as I keep browsing, Firefox overwrites that window with new content. Is there a way to tell Firefox to leave that window alone?
Toutes les réponses (3)
The page probably has scripts to keep things moving. I doubt that you can do anything to stop it.
Dropa- Thanks for your reply. Small window? I am browsing but want to keep track of the Warriors-Celtics game so I open a window to a site that keeps track of the score. I make it a very small rectangle showing only the scores and put it in my upper right corner where it is always visible--then I continue browsing.
>>Lo, eventually, another site has overwritten the window and I have to use <-(back) to view the score. I thought this was commonplace because it happened so often. But I confess that right now I can't reproduce the problem--even if I select [open link in new window] from another window (and which I hardly ever do anyway). I will keep trying though. -Cab-
Terry- Thanks to you as well. I don't know what you mean by "scripts to keep things moving," but I don't know much. Are you suggesting that the NBA site might have set something that invites the over writing? It is different in that it is continually updated, as the score changes. https://www.google.com/search?q=warriors+game+today&client=firefox-b-1-d&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4uq2w0JD4AhWRLM0KHfPGB04Q_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=675&bih=635&dpr=0.7 -Cab-
Hi, Cab. It isn't a static page. The "new content" I suppose is from the website itself.