I want my right click on a URL in Google/Yahoo first choice to be new tab, not new window
How can I change the order of selection in a right-click on a URL in Google/Yahoo? I want "New Tab" to be first instead of "New Window?"
Toutes les réponses (5)
Go to Tools > Options > Tabs. Check mark "Open new windows in a new tab instead"
Thank you, but that doesn't solve the problem. All that does is open the selected page on the tab I am on.
Instead of using right-click > Open in New Tab, have you tried to middle-click the link or bookmark to open it in a new tab? (middle-click = press the mouse scroll wheel)
See: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/firefox/keyboard.htm https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Mouse+shortcuts http://support.mozilla.com/kb/Keyboard+shortcuts http://www.mouserunner.com/FF_Shortcuts1Printable.html http://www.7is7.com/software/firefox/shortcuts.html
That is possible with the Menu Editor extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/710
you can also use :
CTRL + left click : open link in new tab CTRL+MAJ+left click : open link in new tab with focus on it MAJ + left click : open link in new window