This page formats funnily: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/zos/v1r11/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.zos.r11.ikja300/lnkatt.htm The lines are extra-ordinarily long. How do I get Firefox to wrap the lines?
Currently that page has content off the right margin. There seems to be no control in Firefox to control how the text is displayed. I would like to change some magical setting in Firefox to allow wrapping of the text so that it appears on the screen.
Toutes les réponses (1)
Looks that it is caused by the large images with width 1003px in that frame that do not have set a width or max-width. If I use img{max-width:800px} to set a max-width for that frame then the scroll bar disappears for me, so try to find a way to handle those large images better.
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