Can't get a pdf file to download, it works on IE on the same site, Firefox says no reference to a file?
On this page: [ http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/Guide_to_Crop_Protection]
There are pdf files to download, I can't get them to work on Firefox, but they do work on IE. I just hate having to even open IE especially just to get at one file. Have had the same problem on different pages from this same site. Every time it just reloads the page when you click on the links, or when I try to save them it says no reference to a file. How the heck to I get these to work to get at the PDF file?
Toutes les réponses (2)
Have you downloaded other PDFs recently? You don't seem to have a PDF reader.
You will need to download a Firefox plug-in for readers like Adobe or Foxit.
Yes, I have Foxit installed. And have downloaded other PDF quite regularly, just this one site that has this problem.