how to block images specific site
Firefox 4->I want to block images being displayed for a specific site only. I copy and paste the url from the site eg http://www.rottentomatoes.com, then i go to Options->Content tab->(Load images automatically is ticked because I want all images to load except for one site)->I click Exceptions button next to this->I paste in the above site and click to 'Block'->then i click 'Close' then 'OK'. I refresh the page, images are not blocked on this site and display as normal. I clear the cache under the Advanced tab->Network, same problem, i close and reopen firefox same problem, images display as normal for the site. Only if i choose to not display images for ALL sites does it work but of course I do not want this, I only want it for one site. This seems like a bug? How do i fix this?
Toutes les réponses (3)
You can block images from a specific domain by going to Tools > Page Info > Media and place a check mark on an image from that domain. That will block all images from that domain.
Thanks, that works, any idea why the method I posted does not work?
You can check the domain that host the images to see if those images come from elsewhere and not from the main site that you had added as an exception.