What is the location of the file which gathers the data of the "Tab Groups" feature
I would like to know where is (are) located the file(s) that gather the data of the "Tab Groups" feature, in order to restore a group of tab groups I have lost between two O.S. installations. I guess it is possible, since I have backed up all my config and user files. Just cannot find that precise file in the '~/.mozilla' file tree... :(
O.S.: A Ubuntu derived Linux distro (v. 10.04 aka Natty) Firefox 7.0.1
Toutes les réponses (3)
I think I found the sessionstore.js file in the profile which has the tab group info in it.
I think I found the sessionstore.js file in the profile which has the tab group info in it.
Hi derjacks!
Indeed, I could find the file you indicate at:
(This is a *nix filetree ;)
The link you provide is also of some relevance with my issue, although the answers of "Support 849739", in my case, were too late...
I guess I had already found this information here or there in some forum. But, for some reason, replacing the new sessionstore.js with the old one had failed to restore the "Tab groups". Hence, I had given up with this strategy.
But now, I am editing "manualy" this sessionstore.js with a text editor in order to find back my lost URL's, which is far longer but will do.
Thanks a lot for the contribution!
As for me, I consider my question answered and my problem on the right way to be solved. Thx again.
- )