I have somehow lost the icons on most of my bookmarks in the bookmark menu. How can I correct this
I have somehow lost most of the icons at the front of my bookmarks in the bookmark menu. Can you tell me how to restore them? Thanks
Toutes les réponses (7)
I do understand they have changed the default blank icon, but I suspect I have some missing icons myself. Not something I have investigated as it is hardly a critical user feature.
Where the icons are missing from tabs I wonder if some of the problems relate to not loading tabs on commencement. That does not explain icons missing in drop down lists or the bookmarks library. There have been quite a few posts about missing icons, some will relate to the new default favicon used when a favicon is not found, and that will be expected behaviour, but some posts may well relate to unexpected behaviour.
If interested in following up I suggest you post examples with screen shots. Maybe there is some pattern as to the location or what type of image the icon attempts to utilise.
I've seen posts that state that favicons get missing if they aren't in the default location (http://site.com/favicon.ico)
I now have a blank favicon (round-cornered square drawn in dashed lines) in the address bar even for some sites that display a favicon in the tab (I have Tab Mix Plus). http://www.tonnerdoll.com/gcompass.htm is one example; see screenshot. What's more serious, I can't drag that dummy favicon into a folder to save a bookmark, although at least some real favicons (like this page's) are draggable. What's going on? More important, how can I get it to work?
It may be relevant that when I hover the mouse over the dummy favicon for the example site, I get the popup message "This web site does not supply identity information."
I'm running Windows XP +SP3 and Firefox 8.0.1. Help | About Firefox says "8.0", but this website says I have 8.0.1.
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And suddenly a couple of hours later the favicon
- shows up and
- is draggable to make a bookmark
even though the hover still says "This web site does not supply identity information."
Another site, which has no favicon (just dummy favicon) even on the tab and also "does not supply identity information", is nevertheless also draggable.
So as far as my main problem is concerned, the issue is resolved... but I don't know why or how. I'm pretty sure I haven't closed and reopened Ffox interim, and I know I haven't rebooted!
Here is a screen shot of the missing icons on the manage bookmark page. Pretty annoying....
Try to recover the missing favicons with one of these:
- Bookmark Favicon Changer: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/bookmark-favicon-changer/
Just like all the other people, when I installed 8.01 a good many of my bookmark & tab icons were round-cornered square drawn in dashed lines and I installed Checkplaces and it did no good. I also today installed 9.01 that I got from filehippo.com and it has the same problem. I found another thread about this problem and someone said to delete the localstore.rdf from profiles folder so that FF could generate a new copy. What I'm going to try now is: 1) close FF completely, 2) delete the localstore.rdf, and 3) uninstall 7.01 then install 9.01 and see what happens. Cross my (and yours) fingers and hope this solves the problem. I'll update later with my findings.
Well, that did not work, still have bookmark & tab icons were round-cornered square drawn in dashed lines. How about Mozilla tackling this problem in on of their numerous updates, hmmm?
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