Bookmarks pull down have moved away from left top left side of screen. How to get them back there?
Normal position of Bookmarks pull down was top right of screen. That is gone. Bookmarks only available from bar: File Edit View History Bookmarks Tools Help on top left of screen. How to get the Bookmarks at to right?
Toutes les réponses (2)
Hi langdonw,
Try hitting CTRL + B. This will display your bookmarks in the sidebar temporarily. If you want to permanently add the button, you should take a look at this article on customizing the toolbar. It will show you how you can add new toolbar buttons. There are actually two bookmarks buttons you can add. One opens bookmarks in the side bar.
Hopefully this helps!
You only see the Bookmarks Menu button on the right end of the Navigation Toolbar or on the Bookmarks Toolbar if the menu bar is hidden (View > Toolbars) and you have the orange Firefox button instead.