have u gone crazzy ?
u say your web site will select the lastest compatible version of firefox for my computer
not true
you say i must upgrade from 3.6 as it will not soon be supported. i have a mac g4, i cant change my processor
u let people give feedback on new version, but i cant give feedback as i dont and cant run lattest version !
macs made firefox, dont forget us !!!!!!
how many g3 and g4 users r u fucking over ?
Toutes les réponses (3)
You might want to take a look at the TenFourFox Project. It is a fork of Firefox specifically for people who are on older versions of Mac OS X or on the PPC Mac. I have not used it myself, but I have heard good things!
Hopefully this helps!
tenfourproject are not mozilla and the software is not official
they start off by saying u have g4 , mozilla have desearted u ?
The tenfourproject is Mozilla based, it has been ported and modified to run on unsupported Mac platforms.
It is still essentially Firefox, but with a new name. (Due to legal requirements)
You can get more information here: http://code.google.com/p/tenfourfox/wiki/AAATheFAQ
Also, you do not have to update from 3.6 if you don't want to. And there are enough supporters out there to continue its legacy.