Youtube crash
Sorry for bad enlish.
I got problems whit wieving Youtube filmclips on my computer. The problems occures from time to time and can of different kind: 1. Film "loading bar" shows up full (red) from start. 2. Fils starts normal and loads good but as the bar gets full the video stops (loading bar goes back to only half full) and i got the message "An error accured. Please try later". 3. Film starts loading but stops whit the error message above.
A reload of the page CAN (in the best of worlds) fix the issue but don't have to do it. It's not a 50-50 shance anymore. I think it's down to 20% Yes, 80% no or similar.
The other day, I totally cleaned out the internet history: Visited pages and downloads, Cookies and Cache. This did not solve the issue. (But I had to do it anyway). I always download the avalible Linux updates but so far no result.
Yes, it's very frustrating and I need advice on how to solve this. No, I will not reset my web browser. It's the last option on my list.
My FF: Ver 34.0 Flash: Ver
Computer Os: Linux Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32-bit Ram: 1001 MiB CPU: Intel P 4 2.80 GHz x2 Internet: Wireless (no wi-fi or similar, just a wireless connection whit a modem in a USB port.)
Yes, I provided a great deal of info but I think it's better to do so than to fill it in later.
To be honest, the whole internet runs quite slow right now. That, however Can eventually have to do whit the great storm we had here last weekend. But my connection does work whitout breaking or other problems occuring. The Youtube problems did however start some time before the storm.
All Replies (4)
I did forget to tell you this:
I hardly never wiev videos at more then 360P. I have never experienced any problem before at this setting.
If you have problems with current Shockwave Flash plugin versions then check this:
- see if there are updates for your graphics drive drivers
- disable protected mode in the Flash plugin (Flash 11.3+ on Windows Vista and later)
- disable hardware acceleration in the Flash plugin
https://forums.adobe.com/thread/891337 See also:
I really need some more help whit this.
I tried to set the hardware acceleration to off but that did not help. First the video did not load at all but i started when i reloaded the page. The video loaded rather good for 2 min or so but then it stoped about half way in. :(
I could not see what video card I had but I did google the P/N number (HP 5187 4271) and found out that it must be a Gfx ATI R9600 128 Pro. (Yes, my computer is THAT old). I did use the info on the AMD website and got this result: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Ubuntu%20x86%2032.
The question is, however, what driver to download and how the procedure works under Linux. I have some experience whit downloading and installing drivers under Windows but Ubuntu is a complete different OS.
Go to the page. Now look for your computer and system in the list. You could also ask them for help.