Flash Player Check Not Working In Firefox?
Hello, As of today, checking my Flash Player version on the Flash Player Help page gives me this: http://i.imgur.com/fTRMR4l.png, when it would usually tell me if my version was up to date, and what version I have.
The Shockwave Help page works just fine, and the Flash Player Help page works fine in Chrome.
I have tried resetting Firefox, updating Firefox, and using Firefox in Safe Mode, with no fix. So what's going on?
All Replies (8)
My flash-plugin wasn't running when I got the same message. Start Flash and update that page.
In your image it says you have which is the current Flash 16 update as listed on https://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/distribution3.html
@Gnospen 1) Except I assume my Flash Plugin is running? Youtube videos are playing, and I would think that they wouldn't do that if Flash wasn't running.
2) How would I start Flash back up?
You allow flash to play on a page or site (adobe-not the same as Youtube. (Youtube can also play in html5). With flash start set as "ask every time" I get the same as you.
@Gnospen Took a look at my about:addons page to see if it was set on "Ask to Activate", and it wasn't set to that. It was set on "Always Activate", as you can see here: http://i.imgur.com/tAmvj36.png
Am I looking on the correct page, or is there another page I should be looking at?
Well, now my test on that site also show the same as yours. If you still wonder if you have the right version, test from controlpanel / flash player / advanced Check now-button There you can compare what you have to the latest.
1) So maybe it's a site or even a browser issue, then? Either way, good to know it's not just me now.
2) Ok, how would you get to that? (the controlpanel / flash player / advanced Check now-button you said to test from)
Either you open Windows control-panel and click on flash-player. From advanced-tab you click on 'check now'-button OR https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/