Firefox cannot play some html5 youtube videos.
Recently, Firefox cannot play some html5 YouTube videos.
For example, Firefox cannot play this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoeSLQwCmZs
But it can play this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JqR3GVqib4
I refreshed Firefox, so it has not addons installed and cleared the cache but the problem persists.
The flash player plugin is disabled, but if I enable it, then both videos can be played.
I will greatly appreciate any help.
Here I add the YouTube debug information: {
"ns" : "yt", "el" : "detailpage", "cpn" : "tEXLqpkGBxURyXkB", "docid" : "LoeSLQwCmZs", "ver" : 2, "referrer" : "https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1101735", "cmt" : "0", "plid" : "AAUoEH0Gerj8Zq0j", "ei" : "dQGDVvirJJD9-AXB3JKoBQ", "fmt" : "134", "fs" : "0", "rt" : "4.6", "of" : "dAF--QAZ8Bm3Znvn5eZB7w", "adformat" : null, "content_v" : null, "euri" : "", "subscribed" : null, "lact" : 1, "live" : null, "cl" : "110728076", "mos" : 0, "osid" : null, "state" : "c9", "vm" : "CAEQAQ", "volume" : 100, "c" : "WEB", "cver" : "html5", "cplayer" : "UNIPLAYER", "cbr" : "Firefox", "cbrver" : "43.0", "cos" : "X11", "hl" : "es_MX", "cr" : "US", "len" : "609", "fexp" : "9407610,9416126,9416985,9419488,9420260,9420452,9421979,9422541,9422596,9423662,9424618,9424638,9424845,9425493,9425702,9426127", "afmt" : "140", "vct" : "0.000", "vd" : "NaN", "vpl" : "", "vbu" : "", "vpa" : true, "vsk" : false, "ven" : false, "vpr" : 1, "vrs" : 0, "vns" : 0, "vec" : null, "vvol" : 1, "lct" : "0.000", "lsk" : true, "lmf" : false, "lbw" : "323396.601", "lhd" : "0.439", "ltd" : "191.600", "laa" : "itag=140,seg=0,range=1356-65535,time=0.0-4.0", "lva" : "itag=134,seg=0,range=2205-65535,time=0.0-2.5", "lar" : "", "lvr" : "", "lvh" : "", "debug_error" : { "errorCode" : "fmt.decode", "message" : "Se produjo un error. Vuelve a intentarlo m\u00e1s tarde.", "messageKey" : "YTP_ERROR_GENERIC_WITHOUT_LINK" }, "ismb" : 2380000, "debug_videoId" : "LoeSLQwCmZs", "cgr" : true, "debug_playbackQuality" : "medium", "debug_date" : "Tue Dec 29 2015 15:56:10 GMT-0600 (CST)"
Here I add the Firefox configuration information:
"application": { "name": "Firefox", "version": "43.0", "buildID": "2015121300", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0", "safeMode": false, "supportURL": "https://support.mozilla.org/1/firefox/43.0/Linux/es-ES/", "numTotalWindows": 1, "numRemoteWindows": 0, "remoteAutoStart": false }, "modifiedPreferences": { "browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run": false, "browser.cache.disk.capacity": 358400, "browser.cache.disk.filesystem_reported": 1, "browser.cache.frecency_experiment": 2, "browser.download.importedFromSqlite": true, "browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion": 7, "browser.sessionstore.upgradeBackup.latestBuildID": "2015121300", "browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone": "43.0", "browser.startup.homepage_override.buildID": "2015121300", "dom.apps.reset-permissions": true, "dom.mozApps.used": true, "extensions.lastAppVersion": "43.0", "gfx.crash-guard.glcontext.deviceID": "Mesa DRI Intel(R) Haswell Mobile ", "gfx.crash-guard.glcontext.appVersion": "43.0", "gfx.crash-guard.glcontext.driverVersion": "3.0 Mesa 11.0.6", "gfx.crash-guard.status.glcontext": 2, "media.gmp-manager.buildID": "2015121300", "media.gmp-gmpopenh264.lastUpdate": 1451423657, "media.gmp-gmpopenh264.version": "1.5.1", "media.gmp-gmpopenh264.abi": "x86_64-gcc3", "media.gmp-manager.lastCheck": 1451423655, "network.cookie.prefsMigrated": true, "network.predictor.cleaned-up": true, "places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages": 101636, "plugin.importedState": true, "plugin.disable_full_page_plugin_for_types": "application/pdf", "plugin.state.flash": 0, "privacy.sanitize.migrateFx3Prefs": true }, "lockedPreferences": {}, "graphics": { "numTotalWindows": 1, "numAcceleratedWindows": 0, "windowLayerManagerType": "Basic", "windowLayerManagerRemote": true, "supportsHardwareH264": "No; ", "numAcceleratedWindowsMessage": [ "" ], "adapterDescription": "Intel Open Source Technology Center -- Mesa DRI Intel(R) Haswell Mobile ", "adapterVendorID": "Intel Open Source Technology Center", "adapterDeviceID": "Mesa DRI Intel(R) Haswell Mobile ", "adapterRAM": "", "adapterDrivers": "", "driverVersion": "3.0 Mesa 11.0.6", "driverDate": "", "webglRenderer": "Intel Open Source Technology Center -- Mesa DRI Intel(R) Haswell Mobile ", "info": { "AzureCanvasBackend": "cairo", "AzureSkiaAccelerated": 0, "AzureFallbackCanvasBackend": "none", "AzureContentBackend": "cairo", "CairoUseXRender": 1 } }, "javaScript": { "incrementalGCEnabled": true }, "accessibility": { "isActive": false, "forceDisabled": 0 }, "libraryVersions": { "NSPR": { "minVersion": "4.10.10", "version": "4.10.10" }, "NSS": { "minVersion": "3.20.1 Basic ECC", "version": "3.20.1 Basic ECC" }, "NSSUTIL": { "minVersion": "3.20.1", "version": "3.20.1" }, "NSSSSL": { "minVersion": "3.20.1 Basic ECC", "version": "3.20.1 Basic ECC" }, "NSSSMIME": { "minVersion": "3.20.1 Basic ECC", "version": "3.20.1 Basic ECC" } }, "userJS": { "exists": false }, "crashes": { "submitted": [], "pending": 0 }, "sandbox": { "hasSeccompBPF": true, "hasSeccompTSync": true, "hasPrivilegedUserNamespaces": true, "hasUserNamespaces": true, "canSandboxMedia": true }, "extensions": [], "experiments": []
Athraithe ag barquero ar
All Replies (2)
Does it work with a 32 bit Firefox version?
What does the YouTube test page show (About the HTML5 player)?
You can check the media prefs about:config.
cor-el said
Does it work with a 32 bit Firefox version? What does the YouTube test page show (About the HTML5 player)? You can check the media prefs about:config.
I downloaded the 32 bit version of Firefox 43.0.3 from Mozilla webpage. Then run it, but got the following error: XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /opt/firefox/libxul.so: libfreetype.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Couldn't load XPCOM.
After installing the following packages, I could run and play in the 32 bit Firefox both videos successfully:
- libfreetype6-32bit
- fontconfig-32bit
- libXrender1-32bit
- libXext6-32bit
- libXdamage1-32bit
- libXfixes3-32bit
- libXcomposite1-32bit
- libasound2-32bit
- dbus-1-glib-32bit
- libgtkglext-x11-1_0-0-32bit
- libXt6-32bit
- libgthread-2_0-0-32bit
The problem persists with the openSUSE Firefox.
The test page you suggested give the following diagnosis:
- HTMLVideoElement: supported
- H.264: supported
- WebM VP8: supported
- Media Source Extensions: supported
- MSE & H.264: supported
- MSE & WebM VP9: supported