I cant access my business webpage back office to enable editing
my business web page is brainambulance.com.au
I edit the webpage via https://customers.webarena.com.au/custom_scripts/siteanalytics.php
I have always edited under 'manage my web page' but now I cant access it. This happened in Safari and it was a security upgrade that blocked me. I used Firefox as it gave me access which is now not available - have you done a security upgrade or other that affects my access?
many thanks.... Arlene Hunt
All Replies (1)
There was a delay, but I accessed http://www.brainambulance.com.au/
When I tried to access https://customers.webarena.com.au/custom_scripts/siteanalytics.php
All I got was this;
I've called the big guys to help you. Good luck.