I have a Macbook Pro OSX 10.12.6 and Firefox Quantum and Komros Anti Malware & Adware - after scanning all add ons are gone. Any suggestions?
The Komros program requires me to quit the browser before I scan. AFter scanning all Firefox add ons and extensions have gone - it is as if all previous settings and customising has been wired clean and I have to start again. It only occurs after Komros scanning. Questions: Is there a way around this? If not, is there a virus/ Malware scanning program for Mac that does not do this?
Any help would be appreciated (and I'm not fully conversant with IT issues)
All Replies (3)
Hi, they are false/positives if anything. They should be in your Program under Quarantine and they should be able to restore them. As well you should be able to exempt them from future scans.
You should as mentioned find them or the logs and go to Kromros Support Site and submit them as false/positives so that they can be White Listed.
Yes you will have to continue reinstalling them if can not figure out how to exempt them in the program and trace the paths in the logs and notify them.
https://www.malwarebytes.com/mac/ Is more of a Malware scanner if buy license then get real time scanning and blocking. 2wks Free Trial of Full Program Real Time, then reverts to a Free Scan on Demand.
According to http://www.komros.com/komros-anti-malware/ "All extensions, cookies and caches will be removed."
If you don't see any settings to manage how that software works, and it doesn't have fantastic benefits that justify the hassle, I think you should dump it.
You can try: https://www.malwarebytes.com/mac/