An Ad-on disappeared from the toolbar
An Ad-on disappeared from my toolbar. It is still installed, but I can't use it. I deinstalled it and installed it new. But it does not appear again. It is not hidden in - what you might call in English - the "overflow bar". What can I do to make it appear again?
Thanks in advance Dirk
All Replies (7)
Vielleicht bei "Symbolleiste anpassen..." oder in den Einstellungen des Add-ons.
Hallo Franz, unter "Symbolleiste anpassen" komme ich ins "Überhangmenü", dort ist das verschwundene Add-on aber nicht. An die Einstellungen des Add-ons komme ich nicht, weil das Add-on ja verschwunden ist. Es wird mir aber von Firefox als installiert und aktiv angezeigt. Kennst Du vielleicht noch jemand, die/den man fragen könnte? Gruß Dirk
Are you possibly using Private Browsing mode ?
Which add-on?
Touch VPN
No, I don't use Private Browsing mode.
hello dirk,
To be sure, you can go to customize toolbar and see if the icon is in the repository of unused icons or is in fact on your toolbar. In which case you can then click and drag the icon around and place it where it more comfortable for you.
Right click on toolbar and select customize option to try out the above.
You can also do a simple test by creating a new virgin unused profile. Then the first thing to do with it is to install that app.
If it still doesnt show up, then you might want to contact the developer of the add-in / extension about this bug. See pic attached