Contributions you did not ask for but need
I have contributed money, now I will contribute some sound advice. You see, there is one thing missing from your helpdesk and avenues for contribution: The option to contribute MEANING and PURPOSE. My contribution is to tell you KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid. This is a timely contribution. With every new Thunderbird version come more bells and whistles, most if not all of which are not useful, or only useful to a few. I admonish you instead to take a closer look at the programs' foundation. Several basic issues are still not working, or addressed. For instance, the annoying fact that drafts are not purged from the draft folder when sent. Or that headers/content are more and more frequently garbled when my inbox grow. And it is harder and harder to find the "repair" button. Or that I manually have to undo "sort by threaded" every single time I want to view an email from a particular sender. Or the fact that the main page of Thunderbird has to be called up from the taskbar every time I want to view it - the main window disappears between viewings, even though individual drafts or emails remain open. Or that the advanced search function - which used to be easy to find - now is hidden inside another menu, non-intuitively. There are too many options for keeping good things as they are, and NOT trying to change things all the time. This is hard for young, eager programmers to understand, but if this fact is not appreciated Thunderbird will grow less and less interesting and useful. Remember KISS, and read up on Occams' razor. Thanks, Geir Ivar Elgjo
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Interesting post. Several good thoughts. We're just volunteers on this forum, neither managers nor developers. You may want to go to connect.mozilla.org and post to the IDEAS section. Thank you for your interest in Thunderbird's future.