How to change position of toolbars...
I want to re-arrange the vertical location of the toolbars, bookmarks, etc.
I want to go from this: - Menu Bar - Button Bar - Bookmarks - Community Bar 2 - Community Bar 1 - Tab Strip
to: - Menu Bar - Button Bar - Community Bar 1 - Community Bar 2 - Bookmarks - Tab Strip
All Replies (1)
The extension that allows to move toolbar hasn't been updated for Firefox 4, so you probably need to use code in userChrome.css to reorder the toolbars by changing their moz-box-ordinal-group value.
Open the "Tools (Firefox > Web Developer) > Error Console" window and paste this code in the Code field and click the Evaluate button.
Paste the result to this forum.
Then I can see which toolbars you have.
var Cc = Components.classes, Ci = Components.interfaces; var wm = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator); var mw = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); var doc = mw.document; var nav = doc.getElementById('navigator-toolbox'); var elm = nav.getElementsByTagName('toolbar'); var i, inf='',moz='-moz-box-ordinal-group'; for(i=0;E=elm[i];i++){ inf+='#'+E.id+' { '+moz+': '+doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(E,"").getPropertyValue(moz)+' }\n'; } inf;
See also:
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