Unable to update silverlight
this is what silverlight is telling me Message ID: generic
You reached this page since you encountered problems with the installation of Microsoft Silverlight. In many cases these problems are due to incompatible browser and operating system or due to an old pre-release version of Silverlight. Please follow the Uninstall Instructions to remove any previous versions from your system and then visit the Silverlight Web site and install the latest version. I've followed the uninstall instructions have downloaded the new version but it will not install. Every time I turn the computer on it tells me the ESET NOD Antivirus software needs my attention referring to the silver light. Any help would be appreciated Thanks Fred
All Replies (2)
Please just wait for Microsoft to release a version of Silverlight that is compatible with Firefox 5. Apparently they didn't do that yet.
I have firefox beta 9. Have same problem with uninstalling old version of silverlight and installation of current version. What is difference between firefox beta 9 and firefox 5? How do you choose one over the other? Was unaware of different versions.