userAgent - OS X version issue. Why is it that if I'm on OS X 10.7.5, the userAgent only reports 10.7?
I am trying to identify exactly the version of the Mac OS X the clients are using, in order to display (or not) an information message.
To my surprise, when calling in javascript: navigator.userAgent this is working great in Safari/Chrome (ie. 10_7_5), but not in FF 21.0 (only 10.7 is reported). Why do I also need the last minor in the OS version?! Because a serious kernel bug present in OS X 10.8, 10.8.1, 10.8.2 and 10.8.3 was fixed in 10.8.4. If the user is not on 10.8.4 or later, I want to display an information message. SO, HOW CAN I DO THIS IN FF, WITHOUT ASKING THE USER TO RUN/ INSTALL A Java Applet, AR NAY ADDITIONAL JUNK?
Why FF no longer displays the full OS version when calling the navigator.userAgent?
Thank you,
All Replies (1)
User Agent doesn't display minor OS versions and there is no way to force it to. If you are running an enterprise you should begin to make your users update other ways.