I'trying to upload a file using file link (Hightail) and it's not working now. It has worked in the past . Has something changed that I need to change?
I just migrated to a new DELL computer. I'm trying to send using filelink (Hightail) a file to a client. My old computer is still in operation. I can't send the file on either computer. The file is not linking to my Email. When I send directly from Hightail the file transfers OK. Any suggestion on the problem?
All Replies (4)
Not working for me either.
can you please Go to the error console Tools menu ALt+T) > error console. Clear the console. Open a new mail compose window and attach your file.
Is there an error appearing? perhaps Error: this._urlInfo.uploadUrl is undefined see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1005560 for my bug report
Hightail is the successor of YouSendIt. However, Thunderbird hasn't been adjusted yet, and still offers YouSendIt, which doesn't work.
For the time being your best bet is installing this add-on and use Dropbox.
The nightly version I am running contains the updates as far as I can see.
Ok I have updated the token and it works now.
I had to go to Tools menu (Alt+T) > options > security > passwords and deleting the entry in the password manager for chrome://messenger/cloudfile (DigFiles Auth Token) for the less than obvious account1