Save web pages as PDF in Firefox for Android

Firefox for Android Firefox for Android Última actualización: 38% of users voted this helpful
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Firefox for Android lets you save web pages as PDF files to conveniently access them later from your Downloads folder. These are the steps you need to follow:

To save a web page as a PDF

  1. Open the page you want to save.
  2. Tap the menu (three-dots) button in the toolbar.
  3. Tap the share FxPreview-share-icon icon at the bottom.
  4. Tap Save as PDF.
  5. Tap Download in the pop-up that appears next.
  6. When the download is finished, the Download completed message will appear.
  7. Tap the Open button in the pop-up that appears to view the file with some app installed on your device.

The download is complete, it will be saved to your Downloads folder.

You can follow the same process to save PDF files that you have opened from a web page link in Firefox for Android.

Where do I find all my downloaded files?

  1. Tap the menu button (three-dots) in the toolbar.
  2. Tap Downloads.
  3. Tap a file from the list to open it with your default application.

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