Search your browsing history and bookmarks in Firefox for Android

Firefox for Android Firefox for Android Última actualización: 24% of users voted this helpful
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You can search your browsing history and bookmarks in Firefox for Android to find websites you've previously visited and saved.

Search your browsing history

  1. Tap the menu-icon-android menu icon and select History.
  2. Tap the MagnifyingGlassIcon search icon to begin your search.
  3. Your search results will automatically update as you enter text.
  4. Tap a result to navigate to the page. Scrolling the list of search results will minimize the search bar.
  5. To clear your text, tap the fx icon cancel download cancel icon.

Learn more about deleting your browsing history in Firefox for Android.

Search your bookmarks

  1. Tap the menu-icon-android menu icon and select Bookmarks.
  2. Tap the MagnifyingGlassIcon search icon to begin your search.
  3. Your search results will automatically update as you enter text.
  4. Tap a result to navigate to the page. Scrolling the list of search results will minimize the search bar.
  5. To clear your text, tap the fx icon cancel download cancel icon.

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