Sharing from Pocket for iOS

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Pocket for iOS allows you to share any article in your library with others and to other apps. You can share an article from the Home tab, the Saves tab, or the Article View screen. Here are the steps to do so:

Share from the Home tab

If the article you want to share is in the Home tab, tap the three dots in the bottom right corner of the article. Tap Share in the menu that opens. Select a contact or an app to share with.

Sharing from Pocket for iOS 1

Share from the Saves tab

If the article you want to share is in your Saves, select the Saves in the tab bar at the bottom. Tap the share icon in the bottom right corner of the article. Select a contact or an app to share with.

Sharing from Pocket for iOS 2

Share from the Article View screen

If you are reading an article in Article View, tap the three dots in the top right corner of the screen. Tap Share in the menu that opens. Select a contact or an app to share with.

Sharing from Pocket for iOS 3

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