All CBS, Youtube & Xinmsn videos fail to play on Firefox 4.0 all day long. Once 12 am (Singapore Time), ALL videos start to play Perfectly. Even Headline News takes forever to download until midnight, such problem suddenly disappears. WHY?
'My Fujitsu laptop is one-month old. Initially I use IE8 and had problem watching videos. Once, an Action Message appeared advising me my API Driver is not working and directed me to HP instead. Fujitsu advised me it's a malware and a scan of Malicious Software Removal Tool was executed, nothing was detected. Ive had Norton Internet Security on my laptop. I switched to Firefox 4.0. All videos - CBS, Youtube and Xinmsn videos fail to play during the day, between 1 pm till night (11 pm). The only time every of these videos start playing Perfectly is around Midnight 12 am. (Singapore Time). This happens every day and night. How is it that during the day and night, every site including Headline News takes forever to download (transferring data takes unusually long time) but around midnight, such problem instantly disappears (and I can download sites very fast)? Also, ALL videos malfunction all day long till night but miraculously return to perfect function around midnight. This is real weird. Can some kind soul help me with this please? "
Opaite Mbohovái (3)
i would suggest you backup and reformat the windows.
Previously i also encounter similar error you encountered found out is malware attack, some of the antivirus are not even able to detect them. There are alot of users posted online which you can google around.
i had tried remove the malware using those so-called malware removal but things gets worst. So finally i reformat the Windows and everything go back to normal.
Personal advice, don't click or install those unknown message prompted from website. No antivirus or malware protection software can prevent this if you are letting then to get in your system.
Cheers and hope i did help you in resolving your error.
Dear Dunto
Thank you very much for your precious advice. I did suspect my laptop to be infected by a Vampire-like virus that my videos are geared to only function at midnight. I will do as per your sound advice, it comes across as the perfect solution. Once again, thank you for your time and kind assistance.
Warmest Regards .....
Dear Sir
Ive successfully reformatted my Windows at least 3 times and restored my videos to functionality.
What happens is that Ive lots of songs on Youtube which I like to play while working. It always plays smoothly but it will always go haywire around 1-1/2 hr or so later, when the video will start to halt and halt, failing to perform any better. Similarly with CBS videos - I can only watch two 40-min documentaries and then afterwards the CBS video site will go haywire and simply fail to load.
The pattern repeats: 1) Any video watching is limited to perform well for maximum an 1-hour plus or so, then all videos will malfunction flat-out. 2) When CBS site fails, Youtube will fail as well and vice versa. 3) Once CBS & Youtube fail, downloading of all sites slow down drastically. Even when I try to download any News site, it takes 4-minutes, like forever to load. 4) And once CBS & Youtube fail, both sites fail throughout all day and night and only regain functionality again after midnight.
My question is: Is a laptop, even a brand-new one, not supposed to play videos for more than 1-1/2 hour? Could this be a hardware issue (like problematic API Display Driver etc.) ?
Thanks & Regards Nina