how do I print the hyperlinks on a Web site. The text itself prints with no problem.
The hyperlink is highlighted and when I right click I get, in this case, an email address, but when I print the document all I get is the highlighted text.
Opaite Mbohovái (6)
how do I print the hyperlinks on a Web site:
one way would be to modify the code temporarily with a bookmarklet see the "href:" bookmarklet on several of my pages including:
Look for "href:" or "href: visible" and drag it to a bookmark folder, right-click on the bookmark and add href: as the keyword shortcut.
You can then type href: into the location bar and the link urls and mailto: links will be shown and can be printed.
If you just want a list of links, then select the entire page ("Ctrl+A") or a smaller selection. Then right-click and choose "Copy links" and paste into a text file or email. If the links are long it may be difficult to read, or impossible if lines don't wrap.
You can test "href:" on the webpage by clicking on the link, and it will show you what it does on that page. If is called a bookmarklet because it can be bookmarked and contains JavaScript code.
The Web site is impressive, as is the variety of tools. However, as a new Firefox user, I'm overwhelmed. I found href: HREF visible in your Keyword Shortcuts section and dragged it to my Bookmarks folder (I have only the one and no Personal bars).
But, what do I do next? Tried adding it to a URL and putting it in the address bar when I had a Web site displayed. Neither worked to allow the hyperlink to be printed. There's probably a simple step or two I missed. Pleas give detailed instructions to this newbie. Thanks.
You can use a bookmarklet like this to inject the URL after a link via a stylesheet.
javascript:(function(){var SS,nSS,D=document;SS='data:text/css, a[href]:link:after,a[href]:visited:after{content:" «"attr(href)"» ";font-size:75%}';{nSS=D.createElement('LINK');nSS.setAttribute('rel','stylesheet');nSS.setAttribute('type','text/css');nSS.setAttribute('href',SS);D.documentElement.childNodes[0].appendChild(nSS);}})();
You can remove the stylesheet with this bookmarklet:
javascript:(function(){var e=document.getElementsByTagName('LINK'),i;for(i=0;E=e[i];i++){if((E.rel=='stylesheet')&&(/^data:/.test(E.href))){E.parentNode.removeChild(E);}}})();
You have the "href:" bookmarklet that you dragged to the toolbar.
Open the page you wanted to see with the links, then click on the bookmarklet, the link urls and mailto: will appear to the right of the links on the page.
You can print what you see.
I had said you could click on the bookmarklet on the kws.htm page and see how it works.
That href: bookmarklet is broken (it ends prematurely):
javascript:(function(){ var z=[],N,href,tc,j; function r(N) { if (N.href) z.push(N); var C=N.childNodes,i;for(i=0;i<C.length;++i)r(C[i]); } r(document.body); for (j in z) { N=z[j]; href=document.createTextNode( [--%C2%A0%22+N.href+%22 --]%22); tc=document.createElement(%22span%22); tc.style.color=%22green%22; tc.style.background=%22
It is not the only one on that page, so you need to check all 34 of them.
A few look like this (seem to have problems a long time ago with the '<'):
It is much better to do such things via a stylesheet than modifying the page source (DOM).
If really needed then add a class name to elements.
Hopefully, dmcritchie can post a complete href: bookmarklet. Thanks, cor-el.