Flash Player Not Updating?
Hello, About 10 minutes ago, I checked the Plugin Checker to make sure all my plugins were up to date. It said that my Flash Player needed updating, so I did that.
However, I checked the Plugin Checker again after downloading to make sure it went through, it didn't, and still lists Flash as Vulnerable/In Need of an update: http://i.imgur.com/tiA64Ji.png
Checking Flash's About page, it seems that I have the correct version?: http://i.imgur.com/RL7rdif.png This version is also the same one listed in the download page: http://i.imgur.com/6xLDOOU.png
So am I up to date or not?
All Replies (3)
It is a bit of a headache right now as is vulnerable actually however Adobe has yet to release yet another update to try and fix critical exploits that is in older versions.
The update will likely be available at https://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/distribution3.html before http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ as was case with last release for a few days.
So in short, I'm up-to-date/fine as far as having the correct version at the moment, Flash is just being a pain in the butt again.
Am I correct on that assumption? is the most current along with ESR at moment yes.
Being a pain in Adobe not getting it fixed in first attempt yes.