A 10/5/17 email from AOL.com suggests that previous verizon customers change their account settings but I don't see that anything has changed. Can you confirm?
This is how the email reads: Hi elyse.comerford,
We hope you are enjoying your improved email experience since switching to AOL. We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of our customers so we're writing to inform you that your current third party email application is not using the latest, secure mail connection settings. In order to continue sending and receiving your verizon.net mail via your third party email application, you must update your connection settings by November 7, 2017.
Please visit our help site for instructions on how to update your settings.
To avoid having to make changes in the future and to ensure you are using up-to-date security settings, we recommend that you download the AOL app or use mail.aol.com to send and receive your AOL Mail.
For more information, visit our FAQ page.
Sincerely, AOL Mail
All Replies (4)
AOL.com suggests that previous verizon customers change their account settings but I don't see that anything has changed. Can you confirm?
Confirm what? You haven't provided any details about what AOL wants you to change. If in doubt, check with AOL/Verizon. The message is from them after all.
This is what AOL are talking about.
Please add the troubleshooting information to your post, or the Mail and News accounts part of it so we can see your current account settings. To find the Troubleshooting information:
- Open Help (or click on three-line-icon and select Help)
- Choose Troubleshooting Information
- Use the button Copy to clipboard to select all. Do not check box "Include account names"!
- Paste this in your post.
Application Basics
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Mail and News Accounts account1: INCOMING: account1, , (none) Local Folders, plain, passwordCleartext
account2: INCOMING: account2, , (pop3) pop.verizon.net:995, SSL, passwordCleartext OUTGOING: , smtp.verizon.net:465, SSL, passwordCleartext, true
account4: INCOMING: account4, , (im) prpl-gtalk, plain, 0
account5: INCOMING: account5, , (imap) imap.gmail.com:993, SSL, OAuth2 OUTGOING: , smtp.gmail.com:465, SSL, OAuth2, true
Crash Reports https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/bp-b7b15df1-fd94-457d-a9e7-675372120217 (2/17/12) https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/bp-6204377a-2fbc-4c5d-a566-eff062120217 (2/17/12) https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/bp-401c0e84-6e04-4bc4-8e27-651232120128 (1/28/12)
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Important Modified Preferences
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Library Versions
Expected minimum version Version in use
NSPR 4.13.1 4.13.1
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NSS Util 3.28.5 3.28.5
NSS SSL 3.28.5 3.28.5
NSS S/MIME 3.28.5 3.28.5Matt said
This is what AOL are talking about. Please add the troubleshooting information to your post, or the Mail and News accounts part of it so we can see your current account settings. To find the Troubleshooting information:
- Open Help (or click on three-line-icon and select Help)
- Choose Troubleshooting Information
- Use the button Copy to clipboard to select all. Do not check box "Include account names"!
- Paste this in your post.
If your current settings work, just keep them.