Firefox crashed when I restarted it to install plugins and the crash reporter is unable to submit a report for this crash. How can I submit this report?
- This file is in the UTF-8 encoding
- Leave this entry empty unless your language requires right-to-left layout,
- for example like Arabic, Hebrew, Persian. If your language needs RTL, please
- use the untranslated English word "yes" as value
isRTL= CrashReporterTitle=Crash Reporter
- LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashReporterVendorTitle): %s is replaced with the vendor name. (i.e. "Mozilla")
CrashReporterVendorTitle=%s Crash Reporter
- LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashReporterErrorText): %s is replaced with another string containing detailed information.
CrashReporterErrorText=The application had a problem and crashed.\n\nUnfortunately the crash reporter is unable to submit a report for this crash.\n\nDetails: %s
- LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashReporterProductErrorText2): The first %s is replaced with the product name (i.e. "Firefox"), the second is replaced with another string containing detailed information. These two substitutions can not be reordered!
CrashReporterProductErrorText2=%s had a problem and crashed.\n\nUnfortunately the crash reporter is unable to submit a crash report.\n\nDetails: %s CrashReporterSorry=We're Sorry
- LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashReporterDescriptionText2): The %s is replaced with the product name.
CrashReporterDescriptionText2=%s had a problem and crashed.\n\nTo help us diagnose and fix the problem, you can send us a crash report. CrashReporterDefault=This application is run after a crash to report the problem to the application vendor. It should not be run directly. Details=Details… ViewReportTitle=Report Contents CommentGrayText=Add a comment (comments are publicly visible) ExtraReportInfo=This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.
- LOCALIZATION NOTE (CheckSendReport): The %s is replaced with the vendor name.
CheckSendReport=Tell %s about this crash so they can fix it CheckIncludeURL=Include the address of the page I was on CheckSendEmail=Email me when more information is available EmailGrayText=Enter your email address here ReportPreSubmit2=Your crash report will be submitted before you quit or restart. ReportDuringSubmit2=Submitting your report… ReportSubmitSuccess=Report submitted successfully! ReportSubmitFailed=There was a problem submitting your report. ReportResubmit=Resending reports that previously failed to send…
- LOCALIZATION NOTE (Quit2): The %s is replaced with the product name.
Quit2=Quit %s
- LOCALIZATION NOTE (Restart): The %s is replaced with the product name.
Restart=Restart %s Ok=OK Close=Close
- LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashID): The %s is replaced with the Crash ID from the server, which is a string like abc12345-6789-0abc-def1-23456abcdef1
CrashID=Crash ID: %s
- LOCALIZATION NOTE (CrashDetailsURL): The %s is replaced with a URL that the user can visit to view the crash details.
CrashDetailsURL=You can view details of this crash at %s ErrorBadArguments=The application passed an invalid argument. ErrorExtraFileExists=The application didn't leave an application data file. ErrorExtraFileRead=Couldn't read the application data file. ErrorExtraFileMove=Couldn't move application data file. ErrorDumpFileExists=The application did not leave a crash dump file. ErrorDumpFileMove=Couldn't move crash dump. ErrorNoProductName=The application did not identify itself. ErrorNoServerURL=The application did not specify a crash reporting server. ErrorNoSettingsPath=Couldn't find the crash reporter's settings. ErrorCreateDumpDir=Couldn't create pending dump directory.
- LOCALIZATION NOTE (ErrorEndOfLife): The %s is replaced with the product name.
ErrorEndOfLife=The version of %s you are using is no longer supported. Crash reports are no longer being accepted for this version. Please consider upgrading to a supported version.
All Replies (1)
I think you may have pasted the wrong thing into the Description.
To try and resubmit a pending report (for example if you lost your internet connection):
- Go to about:crashes in the location bar
- Click the latest report link to resubmit it
If there isn't a pending crash report listed, I'm afraid you may be out of luck for that crash report.