FireFTP logo The blue fiery head gone since upgrading to Ver 4
I now have a 'empty page' logo instead of the FireFTP logo since I upgraded from Ver 3.6 to ver 4. I reloaded the add on but made no difference. Its not the end of the world, but why has it gone. It was easy to spot on the bar. Also how do I tell I have the latest FireFTP?
All Replies (1)
I had the same problem. Well, it still exists, but there is a work-around. I'm running the current version (1.99.5) and once installed Firefox 4, the icon for FireFTP disappeared from the Tools drop-down menu. I reinstalled it with no change. The fix is to right click on the Firefox toolbar and go to customize. Scroll to the bottom of the icons and there should be the FireFTP icon. Drag it to the Firefox toolbar and there you go! If you use FTP a lot (I d0), this is actually a lot more convenient.
If the FireFTP icon is NOT there, just resinstall the newest version over whatever you have, even if it's the newest version. After reinstallation and restarting Firefox, the icon should be there in the Customization icon list.