When I open a pdf link I am getting an error "The system cannot find the file specified. " The same link is opened in other browsers.
I used to open the link" http://supportdocs.sonybiz.net/indexes/pi%5CLFS%5CMay_2004%5C00035186.pdf" in firefox earlier. Now I use version 5.0. Recently I noticed that such links in pdf are not opening with firefox and getting an error that "The system cannot find the file specified. " But the same is opened in other browsers. I do not know whether it is a settings problem or limitation of firefox. It is very much helpful if someone can help me in resolving this issue.
All Replies (7)
Sorry, that link doesn't open in IE8, Safari 6.0.1, Opera 11.5, or Firefox 5.0 for me - "The system cannot find the file specified. "
That link has backslashes (%5C) that need to be changed to forward slashes:
Thanks for considering my query and replying to me. I think I need to explain further to make the exact meaning of my problem, The reason you are not able to view the page is, you may not have access to the particular site until your are registered.. these are the steps to access the site. Step 1. enter to the site "http://www.sony.co.uk/biz/section/overview" Step 2. enter "bvm-20f1e" in the model field and search. Step 3. click any of the technical bulletin link under the heading "title"and you will redirected to a page with a link to a pdf file. Step 4. click on the pdf link and you may be asked for a login or registration. after doing the registration (in my case I am keeping it always logged in) you can open the pdf normally, which is not happening normally. I am able to open the same in IE ver.8.0. I am not sure with other browsers as I am a dedicated user of firefox. The same was working fine earlier and now I am forced to move to IE due to this problem. Thanks for replying to my querry
Thanks for considering my query and replying to me. I think I need to explain further to make the exact meaning of my problem, The reason you are not able to view the page is, you may not have access to the particular site until your are registered.. these are the steps to access the site. Step 1. enter to the site "http://www.sony.co.uk/biz/section/overview" Step 2. enter "bvm-20f1e" in the model field and search. Step 3. click any of the technical bulletin link under the heading "title"and you will redirected to a page with a link to a pdf file. Step 4. click on the pdf link and you may be asked for a login or registration. after doing the registration (in my case I am keeping it always logged in) you can open the pdf normally, which is not happening normally. I am able to open the same in IE ver.8.0. I am not sure with other browsers as I am a dedicated user of firefox. The same was working fine earlier and now I am forced to move to IE due to this problem. Thanks for replying to my querry
IE doesn't care about backslashes in an URL and opens links that have them without problems.
Firefox doesn't do that and sees the backslashes as part of the file name and thus tries to open the file pi%5CLFS%5CMay_2004%5C00035186.pdf in stead of the file 00035186.pdf in the pi/LFS/May_2004/ folder.
You can use this extension:
Hi, I have installed the add-on but the problem remains same.
You may have an older version of web pages in the cache that Firefox is still using.
Reload web page(s) and bypass the cache.
- Press and hold Shift and left-click the Reload button.
- Press "Ctrl + F5" or press "Ctrl + Shift + R" (Windows,Linux)
- Press "Cmd + Shift + R" (MAC)
You can also try this bookmarklet if the extension doesn't work (test it on this page with the link in your post).
javascript:(function(){var a='href',e='A',c=0;function R(w){try{var i,L,r=1;E=w.document.getElementsByTagName(e);for(i=0;L=E[i];i++){if(/\\/g.test(unescape(L.getAttribute(a)))){L.setAttribute(a,unescape(L.getAttribute(a)).replace(/\\/g,'\/'));c++;}}}catch(e){r=0}return(r)}R(self);var i,x;for(i=0;x=frames[i];++i)R(x);alert('Found\n'+c);})();