I use zone alarm and on the zone alarm tool bar the "check site" option is grayed out.
using firefox 10.0.2 win xp zonealarm: ZoneAlarm Security Suite version:
Chosen solution
Last attempt to assist you. You are NOT reading what I have posted. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE LATEST version of Zone Alarm with the updated toolbar. IF YOU DID, you would see, in Firefox Add-ons > Extenstions, Zone Alarm Security Engine 1.5.359.0 NOT Zone Alarm Security Engine 1.5.350.0 as shown in your attached image. DO YOU SEE the "359" instead of the "350" in the version?
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All Replies (6)
Remove your license key from your post. Never post it, even on the Zone Alarm forum as anyone can use your key once they know it.
You need to install the latest update from Zone Alarm for compatibility of Zone Alarm with Firefox 10.
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Not related to your question, but...
You may need to update some plug-ins. Check your plug-ins and update as necessary:
- Plug-in check --> http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/plugincheck/
- Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in: Installing (or Updating) the Shockwave plugin with Firefox
- Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape: Installing/Updating Adobe Reader in Firefox
- Shockwave Flash (Adobe Flash or Flash): Updating Flash in Firefox
- Next Generation Java Plug-in for Mozilla browsers: Installing or Updating Java in Firefox
thanks, I didn't even see it
I have FF 10.0.2 FF extension AZ security engine 1.5.3503.0 (disabled) incompatable with FF 10.0.2 ZoneAlarm 10.1.079 If you look at the pictue attached I have the lates version of ZoneAlarm and Forefox In the attached picture I have every version of all programs, red boxes shows the check site in Explorer(green) and FF(gray)
Did you download and install the newest Zone Alarm?
- The Zone Alarm version is; there is a link on the Zone Alarm forum page that I included in my first post.
- You then must install it with Firefox closed. The Zone Alarm version did not change, but the Zone Alarm toolbar has been updated in that new file that you need to download.
- The update WILL NOT occur with Zone Alarm's automatic updates. The only way to get the new toolbar is to download and install the file in the link in the post that I included in my original response.
IE is not as strict about toolbars; it will install almost anything presented to it. That is my opinion.
After the install, in Firefox Add-ons > Extensions you see the following; if any are disabled, click the "Enable" button
- Zone Alarm Security Engine 1.5.359.0 (aka Zone Alarm Browser Security 1.5.359.0 within Zone Alarm; Zone Alarm is responsible for the name confusion)
- ZoneAlarm security community toolbar
- In Firefox Add-ons > Plugins, be sure "npFFApi" is enabled.
If Zone Alarm stupidly allowed their toolbar to be compatible with only one minor update version of Firefox (10.0.1), maybe you should reconsider whether or not to use their toolbar (see below).
I do NOT use the toolbar that comes with my security software. The protection offered by your security software (firewall and AV/AS) work in the background without the toolbar. Many times those toolbars can change your search engine defaults; the Zone Alarm toolbar uses "Conduit Search" to help them generate additional revenue. In my opinion, most of the toolbars included with security system software are unnecessary as Firefox has some built-in protection to keep you away from known malware & phishing sites (security software and Firefox use different databases for that) and will scan your downloads for viruses using your installed anti-virus program.
- See --> https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/phishing-protection/
- See --> http://kb.mozillazine.org/Browser.download.manager.scanWhenDone
- For the item immediately above, see --> http://kb.mozillazine.org/About:config
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if you look in the picture I attached (last post) you will see that I do have the latest zone alarm and Firefox installed. The "check site" is not a necessary part of the toolbar but I didn't know if it is a Firefox or ZoneAlarm issue. If it is a ZoneAlarm issue I will mark this post as solve.
Chosen Solution
Last attempt to assist you. You are NOT reading what I have posted. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE LATEST version of Zone Alarm with the updated toolbar. IF YOU DID, you would see, in Firefox Add-ons > Extenstions, Zone Alarm Security Engine 1.5.359.0 NOT Zone Alarm Security Engine 1.5.350.0 as shown in your attached image. DO YOU SEE the "359" instead of the "350" in the version?
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