How can I get the URL address of a secure https site to turn yellow
The older versions of Firefox would turn the URL of a secure website yellow when accessed. Even with poor eyesight, I found this easy to see. When I upgraded to version 3.6, this feature was gone. Some of you programming capable users were kind enough to provide me with a chrome.css routine that made 3.6 act the way I needed it to. Unfortunately, I've been forced to upgrade Firefox to version 16 and the chrome.css file that worked on 3.6 seems to have no effect on 16. Would someone please provide me with a way of getting Firefox 16 to turn the https addresses yellow.
All Replies (2)
You can make use of WOT - Safe surfing Addon https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/wot-safe-browsing-tool/?src=cb-dl-users
That was a feature last used in Firefox 2.0 in 2006, a real long time ago (in software time.) This - http://www.dria.org/wordpress/archives/2008/05/06/635/ - explains the changes which came in Firefox 3.0.
The code used for the Address Bar was completely changed for Firefox 4.0, which is why the css you were using in Firefox 3.6 doesn't work any longer.
You could try looking for a "retro 2.0 style" Address Bar for that code, but I spent 15 minutes searching for a newer code and didn't find anything for 14.0 plus versions. Note that my search skills aren't the best.
This is the closest I could find, but it isn't even close to what was used in Firefox 2.0.