Contact list is no longer on my email pages. where did it go and how do I get it back?
contact list used to come up on the left side of the WRITE page. its gone!.. I know most addresses by heart, but still need to look some up, so have to click out, search for contact list.. find it, remember it, then go back into Write and enter..etc.. I just want it back where it belongs. on the lift side of the email page..
All Replies (4)
Press F9
Now the entire tool bar is gone, the more I try the more I lose things. Thanks for trying. I cant even get it back the way it was. I am shutting down for the night now, and hope it corrects itself overnight. thanks but F9 didn't do a thing.. I had XP or years and at my age trying to learn a new one is NOT easy.. tks...
my reply is above,
F9 toggles the contact pane in the compose windows, but you do have to have the windows open for it to work. That is unless you have programmed it to do something else.
See here for toolbars and menus I wrote about that in February 2012. http://thunderbirdtweaks.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/hidden-lost-menu-and-toolbar.html