Can't install my own automatically signed unlisted add-on
I have developed a Firefox extension that is unlisted because it will only be used internally amongst the family members. After submitting it to addons.mozilla.org, it passed the validation and was signed (status: Preliminary Reviewed). However, when I go to Manage Status and Version page and I click on my add-on (.xpi), Firefox tries to install it, but refuses to with the following message:
Firefox has prevented this site from installing unverified add-on.
Are there any other necessary steps to take in order to be able to install my newly created add-on without messing around in about:config?
All Replies (2)
Sorry, I an unfamiliar with the complete program for signed, private extensions. Perhaps you question would be better answered at the Add-ons support fora? https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/c/add-ons
Basics: Any chance that you opened that XPI, and thus broke the signature? Where are you trying to install it from? Your own local server, like on an intranet? Or are you using File > Open File... from within Firefox, where that XPI is sitting on that PC?
Hi and thanks for answering!
I downloaded the XPI from my profile on addons.mozilla.org. This downloaded XPI file which was placed in the Downloads folder on my local computer. To install the add-on, I opened Firefox, went to Add-ons Manager then clicked on the gear icon and clicked Install Add-on From File but as I said, it says that this add-on has not been verified. I have not tried to unpack the XPI nor modify it in any way.
The plugin will be used just by few people so my idea was that I will give it to each person individually and each user will add it manually (by dragging the plugin to Firefox window).
Thanks again for trying to help.