Insecure connection
Inability to connect to some sites..."Insecure connection". MAC Mojave Ver 10.14.1
All Replies (15)
Did you reset the browser ?
There is security software like Avast, Kaspersky, BitDefender and ESET that intercept secure connection certificates and send their own.
There is security software like Avast and Kaspersky that intercepts secure connections and sends their own certificate or that incorporates special web shielding features that can block content.
You can check if there is more detail available about the issuer of the certificate.
- click the "Advanced" button show more detail
- click the blue error text (SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER) to show the certificate chain
- click "Copy text to clipboard" and paste the base64 certificate chain text in a reply
If clicking the blue error text doesn't provide the certificate chain then try these steps to inspect the certificate.
- open the Servers tab in the Certificate Manager
- Options/Preferences -> Privacy & Security
Certificates: View Certificates -> Servers: "Add Exception"
- Options/Preferences -> Privacy & Security
- paste the URL of the website (https://xxx.xxx) in it's Location field
Let Firefox retrieve the certificate -> "Get Certificate"
- click the "View" button and inspect the certificate
You can see detail like the issuer of the certificate and intermediate certificates in the Details tab.
Which sites, do you wanna enter if I can ask ?
Perhaps it's the site ;)
Error on just about everyone
sadolino said
Which sites, do you wanna enter if I can ask ? Perhaps it's the site ;)
Can you provide the certificate information I asked above?
I get this error when attempting to go to https:// "The information you have entered on this page will be sent over an insecure connection and could be read by a third party." How do I disable this?
Hi e_minor_pentatonic, your question is different, so let's continue in your new thread here: https://support.mozilla.org/questions/1245813
Hi Magnus again, :)
Reset the browser again 'if' it it's not in clean-start-state. But don't start it after the clean process. Let it off.
Try the internal Temp cleaner of your mac if it has one otherwise download a good known product for mac os.
Make also sure that no external devices are attached, except mouse or Keyboard.
Try these things, after every step start Mozilla to look if the Problem still exist:
Look on this thread on the discussion platform of apple Reset Network settings - Read it and do it, to reset the Network Settings.
If you are using a router, make a backup of the Settings and reset it also.
Bitdefender adware-Removal-Tool Download adware-Removal-Tool
If it's still not working, restart your mac.
Install malwarebytes for mac, Malwarebytes for Mac Download , start a scan. Try again with Mozilla.
Then try these two Solutions:
1) Reset NVRAM or PRAM on your Mac
2) How to reset the System Management Controller (SMC) on your Mac
Afte the last two steps, please make sure the temp of your mac and inet cache is clean and the Mozilla browser is in clean install state (above reset browser) then try again.
Uninstall Mozilla and Restart the mac once again. Install Mozilla and try again.
Make a backup of your files and reset your mac completely. Install Mozilla again and look if it's working.
- The last thing of all these steps if it's not working, is to contact your ISP for Technical Problems on theire site or you use Safari until the Problems isn't present anymore. Check also for the newset updates for your mac os, don't use only the update function in mac os, look on apples-website under new updates or Releases. Sometimes the update function os's is blocked, so you have to look manually. (Mac Mojave up-to-date-Version 10.14.2 ) ;) Try a VPN solution for mac as a tool or over web-Service.
- Have other Internet-Clients or I-net devices, Symptoms with the Internet ?
I hope it's going well with your Mozilla. Don't forget that it could also be a bug of Mozilla, look always for your operating System and your Mozilla version on the bug-Tracker page or on the release notes. :)
Reply back, pls.
sadolino द्वारा
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Go to that message, and use the Undo link to its right.
But there is no real Information that it was solved.
Unable to locate undo link
Magnus did you try the possible Solutions ?