Bookmark not preceded with star in dropdown box when address typed in Address box
When I type "sca ..." in the address box, the drop-down box opens and offers suggestions. I have a bookmark for scanner.net and for sky.com.
The scanner.net address is offered but it is not preceded by a star to show it is a bookmark.
The sky.com bookmark is preceded by a star.
I repeated the test after deleting all browser history for scanner.net and visiting scanner.net a few times so it is high on my "frecency" list. It still is not preceded by a star to show it is a bookmark
Question: How do I get the scanner.net bookmark to have a preceding star?
See image below: the scanner.net bookmark does not have a star but the sky.com bookmark does.
All Replies (7)
Starting FF with add-ons disabled does not fix it.
Please disregard this reply
Could you compare the URLs that Firefox is suggesting from history and in your bookmark?
What I'm wondering is whether the bookmark might have http instead of https in case Firefox has a preference for the secure address?
jscher2000 - Support Volunteer द्वारा
Okay, please disregard that first reply. They most likely do match.
The top line of the drop-down behaves specially. It indicates the action Firefox will take if you press Enter or click the right arrow button in the address bar. From what I can see, it does not indicate when there is an exact match between an autofill site name and a bookmarked URL.
Is that a recent change?
Adding on to the last reply, the "autofill" feature supersedes the bookmark in the sense that the row is marked as an autofill row (no special icon) instead of a bookmark row (star icon). This is what I see in a test profile in that case, and if I press the Backspace key to cancel the autofill (the bookmark appears further down the list).
Thank you for puzzling about it.
I can confirm the web address and the bookmark contain the same address not least because I created the bookmark while on the site. It is https://www.skyscanner.net and it makes no difference if it ends .net or .net/.
I know that autofill gives me the correct answer but I do like to know I am going to a specific page on a web site by bookmarking that page. It helps me avoid scam sites.
As it is, I cannot see that https://www.skyscanner.net is my bookmarked site - it just looks like another page on the web site.
I have just discovered something.
I went to another page on https://www.skyscanner.net by clicking the HOTELS button which took me to https://www.skyscanner.net/hotels?na=1&sd=2019-02-04&ed=2019-02-05&s-f_iplace=BRS. I then bookmarked it.
When I now type sky ... in the address bar the Hotels page is offered with a preceding star whereas the page https://www.skyscanner.net still does not have a star.
So it looks like the top level skyscanner.net does not have a star but any sub site skyscanner.net/xxxxx does have a preceding star.
Is it a recent change?
I am 75% certain it used to show the preceding star but I could be wrong.
I was not aware of the apparent different behaviour I am now seeing.
I appears my conjecture is correct.
I have bookmarks for various bbc.co.uk/xxx sites. I added a bookmark for the top level bbc.co.uk.
See image: All bbc.co.uk/xxx bookmarks have a star but the bbc.co.uk bookmark does not.
Can you please confirm the same behaviour.