What causes this error with a download
I get this error when attempting a download of a pdf from a website:
{"errors":[{"error_code":"invalid_or_expired_session","message":"ErrorCode = IC_REQUEST_INPUT_VALIDATION_ERROR Message = Mandatory session cookies are empty","domain":"security_gateway"}]}
All Replies (2)
The website is not configured correctly, or you are blocking cookies. This is due to a cookie (small information file stored by all sites) not being present in order to download the file. If you are using any cookie blockers, try whitelist the site, and if you are not, try turning off shields.
scrypt द्वारा
scrypt - thanks for the reply and suggestion. I tried this, but it did not solve the issue.
Here's more detail about issue:
1. log into a credit card account 2. select download a monthly statement 3. select the statement to download, 4. the screen flashes a white screen, 5. then returns to the same page, and pdf is not downloaded 6. I then "Clear recent History (including cache)", and repeat the above steps 2 - 3 7. This is when I get the error message (Cookies missing) shown above, instead of the blank screen. 8. Tried your suggestion, and no change to the initial process 9. Log back in, and get same as steps 2-5, but do not get the same error.
So the error seems to only happen immediately after clearing the cache while I am logged into the website.
The other issue, is that i cannot get the pdf to download. AmEX claims it is a browser issue and not their webpage error.