Unable to locate FF 3.6.16 on Mozilla.com for Download to replace FF4
Support Q & A provide instructions to Uninstall FF4 and to Download FF3.6* "from Mozilla.com"... Cannot find FF3.6* there, not even in support ppg. Ifeel really unhappy with FF4. E.G., in the middle of working with Gmail, it keeps asking me to sign in, that I cannot sign in because cookies are turned off (they are not), then I have to start all over, cuz what I was doing is gone; I go to a site/page and from whence I came is gone when I turn around to come back; My bank suddenly also since FF4 has me sign in often, and signs me out sooner than before. There, that's for starturds.
All Replies (2)
Firefox 3.6.16 is at http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html
Which can be found by way of
www.mozilla.com -> All Systems & Languages -> Firefox 3.6.16 on right.
James द्वारा
Thank you for addressing the leading problem, and composing so clear and answer, James. FF4 becoming much more unstable. Since posting my problem, I discovered here in Forum something about Add-Ons which slow FF -> list rating by percent slows. I deleted almost all my add-ons from that list, keeping a cpl. Then I closed/reopened, and also completely shut down laptop for an hour. Upon startup, FF4 begins to settle down. I read up on the pitfalls of reverting, which intimidated me, so now, with FF4 behaving, I think I will stay put until more happens unhappily. Thank you, again, James.