2018 annual visitor survey, legitimate or not?
Completed a survey titled 2018 Annual Vistor Survey, told me I had won an iphone, the link to claim the prize wouldn't open and I was not permitted to leave a comment suggesting this is just another scam. This is the link in case you want to investigate best1848.fastspeed-solution-server98.loan/?utm_medium=NQ3aDvyuBCtafRQJPeFC66tm%2bMNW8T%2baflxP0d0AJGo%3d&t=td4 if this is not genuine you should shut it down as it makes your company look bad, if it is genuine and simply doesn't work you should fix as it still makes your company look bad. Thanks
Svi odgovori (1)
If a page is impersonating Mozilla and or the Firefox browser with icon then you can report it at https://www.mozilla.org/legal/fraud-report/
These are scams that can popup from some Ads on some sites to get full personal details from the person like name, phone#, address, email, credit card, bank, etc.
Mozilla does not do any so called surveys for any insert expensive prizes like iPhones or gift cards etc. If they do a survey it would not be from a random looking domain like you posted.
Mozilla has done surveys by way of http://qsurvey.mozilla.com which is surveygizmo.com
They have done some things where say if you wanted some Firefox stickers they would send them to you. https://github.com/mozilla/all-aboard/issues/62
Unlike the scam pages, Mozilla does care about your Privacy for any personal details they get. https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/privacy/