Siren sounds when Firefox is open. How do I disable it? How did I get it?
When I open Firefox, I get some game music than a siren sound that won't quit.
This happened
Every time Firefox opened
== I opened Firefoxthis AM
Svi odgovori (20)
and this started today.
I've the same problem, too. Support please!!!
I saved my book marks and loaded in wyzo and reloaded bookmarks untill they find a fix deleting it did nothing
Flashblock works.
I have this problem . What is this ???
My only solution was to delete Firefox from my computer fearing it was a virus.
Yes, the PacMan sound from the Google main page is the exact same annoying one I get with FireFox doesn't matter in which site I am.
My windows computer was on and firefox was working fine then I got the blue screen. After my computer restarted I get this sire sound when I open firefox. This is really strange.
please help
Uninstall the Cool Previews Add-On
same sound since today 5/21/2010
Like I Said Flashblock WORKS!
same to me :-(
Same problem...started this morning. I ran a Norton scan and found a tracking cookie. I fixed it and it stopped.
Thnx Ross! Flashblock add-on did a good job!!
Same problem. Indeed, Flashblock solved the problem. Now it's quiet. Thanks Ross, for the advice.
Disabling Cool Previews also works
Deinstall CoolPreviews !!! My Firefox dosn't make this sound either, after that
Same problem...Firefox crashed last night and the problem started this morning. I ran a Norton scan and it found a tracking cookie...after fixed it went away.
Yes, Flashblock add on works like a charm. I had the same problem and followed Ross' suggestion to add Flashblock add-on and am now able to say goodbye to PacMan's siren sound!