A siren sound is constant when I open Firefox on a Mac, how can I get rid of it
When I log into Firefox a siren sound which runs continuously starts.
This happened
Every time Firefox opened
Today-May 20, 2010
User Agent
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.22.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Safari/531.22.7
Svi odgovori (20)
I have the same consistent siren sound when Firefox is open in my Mac
Same problem, whats up??
same siren
Same, only under Win7 in my case.
How can I get the siren to stop?
Flashblock Add-on worked... Dont know what it was though.
i have a constant siren sound when I open firefox
Yes i'm having that sirene sound too, since exactly 30 minutes. So what to do?
DISABLE COOL PREVIEWS EVERYBODY! These sounds freaked me out. I re-installed Firefox but still awful "Mario music" followed by incessant sirens!!! :( How BIZARRE!!! DISABLED COOL PREVIEWS AS SUGGESTED AND SWEET SILENCE! Thanks to whoever spotted that! :)
Thank you very very much! :D It annoyed me so much. Have scanned my pc for spyware or a virus. But nothing happened.
Now the sound is gone :D Thanks
It's Pac-Man's 30th Birthday today, and Google's homepage is a playable Pac-Man game around the Google logo. My boyfriend had the same problem, then I went to Google and was like Hey, it's Pac-Man! And then the siren started. He plays fine on my laptop, but for some reason the music is stuck on his computer.
All you have to do is disable the "Cool Previews" add on for firefox. Go to the "Tools" link at the top of the browser, go down to "Add Ons", go to the "Cool Previews", click "Disable". Then restart firefox and it should be fine!
deinstall cool prview
Same problem. Disabled cool previews and all is well
I had the same problem, and also for me disabling COOL PREVIEWS did the trick of finally shutting that incessant fracking noise up
I have uninstalled cool previews and this hasn't worked.
I disabled "Cool Previews", it worked fine! No more sirens!
Searching more than an hour on Google. Finally found this page. Ans the solution. Thanks.
Since today. I Have Windows 7 Ultimate and firefox 3.6.3.
The siren stopped indeed after deinstall Cool preview. Good solution!!!
i had the same problem today on win7. The solution seems to work.
thnx a lot!!
thx from my side too!
THX very much !