Monzilla Security Scan pops up very frequently telling me to scan for potential Virus. I believe this is a virus . If not please verify.
Security scan keeps popping up wanting me to do a file scan for potential virus that it has found. I have never seen this till lately, and at least once a day. Scam or Not!!!!!!!!!
Svi odgovori (10)
Mozilla doesn't include an AV scan, so it sounds like a rogue app you've inadvertently installed.
Download Malwarebytes from http://www.malwarebytes.org/products/malwarebytes_free to get rid of it.
Is this site your saying to download 100% safe. I do not trust down loading much after I had a virus crash my computer 2 years age. Where did you hear of this site.??
Malwarebytes is one of the world's top rated security products. You can have complete confidence in the product. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malwarebytes%27_Anti-Malware
Thanks so much for the help. I will try this. I have been using Advance system care 4 which does not seem to helping.
Advance system care 4 is a PC maintenance tool. It doesn't have a malware scanner capability I'm afraid.
On this page u recommended Major Geek site, it is wanting me to do a down load at pctool is this correct. There is alot to down load on this page and do not want to down load the wrong program.
This is the direct link to that file: http://majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=5756
Where it says "Download locations", just click the top one and the download should start in a few seconds. It looks like the one you see in the screenshot.
Thanks, I did down load that program. I guess the free one is good enough. Now this will not cover virus protection. Do u have a suggestion?
Avira Personal Free - http://www.free-av.com/
I tried Avira myself, but got so many false positives that I reverted to AVG again. Avira also wanted to delete my entire collection of holiday photos which I'd just uploaded from my camera because they were said to be 'infected' with a virus!
@ blondschillin, a "false positive" is comparable to a false alarm, that is to say, the AV scanner detects a clean file as infected. False positives can be even more problematic than actual infections and you just have to learn to recognize them when they appear.
My advice is to read independent testing results like those from http://www.av-comparatives.org/en/comparativesreviews/detection-test
Don't expect too much from the free versions and if you're a novice, then the paid for version will be a better choice because you can call on them for support when needed. This link will take you to the latest AV testing report in PDF format: http://www.av-comparatives.org/images/stories/test/ondret/avc_od_feb2011.pdf