Firefox 4 on Windows 7/XP is not allowing user interaction with form elements that contain HTML coding. For instance, a textarea element whose content includes <h4>My Content</h4><br />
On a Mac, Firefox 4 was also dysfunctional and the "enter" key immediately submitted the form instead of adding a line if the cursor was placed inside content to start with, but on Windows it seems impossible to get the cursor inside the textarea content at all.
The "view source" of the form textarea element plus the content that our user entered is pasted below:
<textarea name="content" cols="120" rows="50">SEARCH TOOL NOT WORKING
Check for popup blockers; set for allow
Mac users may want to use Firefox if Safari does not work and not a popup problem.
Must provide the following information:
Computer's operating system?
Browser and version?
On campus or off, if off how are you getting a Brown IP address?
What in detail is wrong?
What have you tried to overcome the problem?
Contact CIS HELP - it may be your computer. <p>A computer cluster in one of the libraries or CIT if the problem is not with the vendor.
</textarea>Svi odgovori (1)
p.s. I realize that the user content is somewhat confusing, and your web page interprets the HTML tags instead of displaying them explicitly...
The user content begins after the <textarea> element and includes HTML headers, breaks, etc. Other HTML content inside form elements gave similar results. Thanks!