does it work on Palm Pre Plus?
I am interested in using FireFox on my SmartPhone. Does it work on Palm Pre Plus? IF so where can I find the link to download it?
Svi odgovori (4)
https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Platforms Palm webOS
We currently have no plans to develop Firefox for the Palm Pre/webOS platform, but there is an unofficial port by Dave Townsend.
In case you miss it. Android and Maemo and can be built on Meego are the only supported mobile OS's at moment.
Thank you. I don't know what an "unofficial port" is, would you be kind enough to explain what it is? I wish I had bought an iPhone but I didn't know enough about it all when I bought this one. Thanks for your answer.
It was referring to the unofficial port by Dave Townsend link that was in https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Platforms
As for iPhone the only thing Firefox related is the Firefox Home. http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/mobile/home/